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L’Orecchio di Giano 2019
Water Rituals

Concerto n.3 / mercoledì 17 aprile, ore 19:00



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VILLA LANTE, mercoledì 17 aprile, ore 19:00

Water Rituals
Anniina Lehtinen, pianoforte
Iiris-Lilja Kuosmanen, video art 

musiche di: Anniina Lehtinen

Water Rituals is a collaboration of a Finnish musician, composer and pianist Anniina Lehtinen and a visual artist Iiris-Lilja Kuosmanen. It is a performance that combines a piano concert of Anniina and installation of video works and photographs of Iiris-Lilja. It is a multisensory, posthumanistic work that spreads to the space. 
Anniina plays the piano and has composed songs for water, thinking how we can sense it. The video installation and photographs are little signs of growth and destruction going on around us. To show how planet water will be after people. There are no people in the images, just water. Places covered with water and little details; how the light appears when it hits the water, how the water hits the rocks, how it flows. Photos and videos have been shot in France, Finland, Italy, Iran and Nepal. Water Rituals shows how people in different places have altered their environment in similar ways, ways that are not sustainable to the environment. In the other hand it shows also places that have been sacred to people, water areas that have been even worshipped. How people maintained them for a long time. It shows the power of the water, and rituals people or animals created around it. 
Concert is emotional and doesn’t relate to this time. A viewer senses another time, where they don’t belong to.

<strong style="font-variant-numeric: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; font-weight: bold; font-stretch: normal; font-size: 14px; line-height: normal; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: #333333; text-decoration-line: none;">L’Orecchio di Giano 2019</strong><br />Water Rituals<br /><br />